Please make me read these 10 books before (I die) 2018

Hello people! I come to you today, trying to make some sense of my ridiculously numbered (over 1100) TBR on Goodreads. God help me.

*sounds of perpetual screaming*

I know a lot of us have the problem of excessively adding to our TBR but believe me mine is worse. 1100(+) + the books I keep buying for some reason. And I hardly ever read physical books! (I read on eBook, maybe will do a post on that?) Yet, books are the only thing my mind justifies buying (with my money, other peoples money is for other trash). I’m not sure if my brain knows logic.

This means I have a SURPLUS of books I want to read. And the thing is I really want to? But alas life. So for this post, I’ve accumulated few books that I would really love to get to by the end of this year. But I probably won’t so screw me.

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Sourdough by Robin Sloan

I came to know of this book, not more than a few days ago and doesn’t that tell you what kind of a person I am. Anywho this book is about fooood. And a secret society and a whirlwind of stuff. Colour me intrigued. I really like the idea of delving into a completely new world within the world we occupy which we think we know. The intricacies of little obsessive groups and how the meaning of a thing takes a completely new form for them is fascinating to me. Also, Sloan is the author of Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore which according to a review I read, is kinda like this but about book nerds. So yeah.

What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami

Raven and I have forever been talking about hitting Murakami together. And this year, I hit it. But I read his short story collection, The elephant vanishes, and while I did like his writing and vibe, they very much left me unfulfilled because all his stories are about hyper vague things and end on hyper vague notes. I have a few stories still left to complete because by the end I was so sick of it. So I really want something meaningful from him. And this book sounds so up my alley. I think Ariel Bisset mentioned in one of her videos that this book might be about running in the title, but in fact alludes to much more, which is something I very much like. Also, this sounds like a very readable non-fiction book and yes, please.

A taste for monsters by Matthew J. Kirby

You need to read the synopsis of this, and you’ll get it.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

I actually have the actual physical graphic novel of this and that does not happen very often. It’s so iconic and if I have it, WHY HAVEN’T I READ IT?? Also, want to watch the movie!

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Any other works of Nina Lacour

Not long ago I read her We are okay and I fell very hard in love with it. And yes I’m a little terrified that her other books won’t do the same for me, but I still want that essence of another of her books so.

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

Alice Oseman might be the cutest person on earth. And also I am completely certain her book is going to be great, so fight me. I also say also a lot.

Welcome to the monkey house by Kurt Vonnegut

It. is. high. time. i. read. some. Vonnegut!! When will I realize that owning a book is not the final step, R E A D I N G IT IS. (I was so happy that I brought my first Vonnegut, how does leaving it unread make sense to me? And yes, I do want to read Vonnegut because of the perception of it but how is it bad to want to know what’s behind that perception. Yes, I’m a blind sheep and I admit to it.)

All the Lives I Want: Essays about My Best Friends Who Happen to Be Famous Strangers by Alana Massey

I probably really need to read this book just because of my toxic brain but current celebrity culture is very interesting?

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

This book sounds so cute! And fun! And some other things. My brain has turned to jelly.

The thing around my neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The last time I walked into a bookstore (3 days ago) I picked up this and read a few pages. And I’ve been meaning to read some CNA for sooo long. And I liked it! So guess who’s going to go back and pick the book back up?

I’m going to end this by saying I just remembered another book which is The lovers dictionary which I want to read because Lorde highly praised it and also adding that I’m probably never actually getting to these books. So, yay me!

Real talk: I’m just really bad at reading. I read A LOT of news and articles because someone is in school to become a journalist or something and by the end, I’m just really drained and can’t handle anymore input. And also my brain keeps pulling the cord on me and parachuting off, which renders me a little incapable of doing anything. i.e. I’m left terrible at everything, not just reading. And I really wish I could say I should get points for trying, but most of the time I admit defeat long before that.

But sometimes, I appear!! And hoping is nice, right?

[Raven and I are currently buddy reading Turtles all the way down by the Green man. Aren’t you excited?? Temme below.]

Lots of love and perpetual angst,


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8 thoughts on “Please make me read these 10 books before (I die) 2018

  1. Eleanor Oliphant is Perfectly Fine is a novel I’m sure you will enjoy! It was one of those randomly cute and awesome stories that just draws you in and keeps you hooked until the last page!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooh great picks! Persepolis takes no time at all to read and is amazing so you should definitely give it a go – although the film is literally identical. I also really liked Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine, it’s such a quirky and original story.

    Liked by 1 person

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