Guest Post by Tamara Thorne & Alistair Cross

{The below guest post was written by Tamara Thorne & Alistair Cross, authors of the book “Mother”. The contents of the post have not been altered by us in any way (all the words are purely theirs and do not hold our personal views) except for the size of the title.}

Writing and Politics

In our new thriller, MOTHER, we gleefully explore an entire neighborhood full of disparate personalities with an eye toward seeing how they all get along. There are persons of every stripe living on Morning Glory Circle – where MOTHER takes place – and we were eager to see how they mixed. As things got tougher, would they form factions? Would there be “us versus them” issues? Who would become obnoxious? Who would compromise? The answers often surprised us and we came away seeing that some people can get along with just about anyone – and others can’t even agree with people on “their side.” Just like it is in the real world.

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