Why I don’t like the romance genre

I’ve been wanting to talk about this topic for a very long time but I never got around to it cause I’m a lazy shit bag. So, moving on.

I don’t hate romance. I really don’t, but when you give me a book where two characters only care about each other and no one else (or nothing else), not only is it unrealistic but it’s also uninteresting.

I prefer a mix of romance with fantasy or sci-fi because the romance is in the background. It’s not all over my face. I like it when the characters start off as any two strangers would, or when they meet up for a purpose and slowly fall in love.

I don’t like seeing characters only thinking about how hot the other person is. That’s not love to me, it doesn’t appeal to me at all. I want to see them help each other, fight with each other, grow as a person with each other. I want to see two whole people who realize that their life would be even better with the other person’s addition. (gosh I’m such a romantic)

Romance novels just don’t appeal to me when characters fight and hate each other but realize how freaking attractive the other person is, and so they chuck aside their differences and get together. That’s a horror recipe.


Also, what’s up with the lack of dragons?? I was reading Ava Richardson’s novels, Dragons of Wild and Dragons of King, early this year and I love the subtle friendship between the characters with all these dragons around. Dragons just make everything a 100 times better.


I want to see characters go through so much hardship but come out with a deep respect for each other. So I guess if anyone is interested in recommending something to me that would appeal to everything I’ve just said, PLEASE DO!

I recently read Holding up the universe by Jennifer Niven and I absolutely loved it. It had everything I wanted and more… except dragons. I also loved Fangirl because it was about more than just romance. I loved Landline because it was about rekindling love and that’s hardly ever talked about.

I just really want to love the romance genre but I find it hard to find books that would be just what I need.

With lots of love,


14 thoughts on “Why I don’t like the romance genre

  1. Pingback: Review of A torch against the night by Sabaa Tahir | Raven & Beez

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  3. I am not a fan of instalove or books where the characters keep thinking about how hot the other person is, even while arguing, as you put it. That said, I read and write romance all the time. The kinds of books you’ve described are at the shallower end of the pool, the easy diverting reads and some people enjoy them. In the same way there are science fiction and fantasy books where the characters are all one dimensional and the villain is easily defeated.
    Recommendation: One urban fantasy book with romance that has taken me by surprise recently is Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Significant plot and detailed history and science in it too, if that floats your boat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right, the romance novels that seem to be the hype (as the books I read such romances in, were all the hype at the time) are on the shallower end, but the reason I ended up making this post was because that kind of romance seems to overpower every other kind these days and it gets to the point where I hesitate to start a book when the blurb mentions anything regarding the love interest.

      Oh and thanks for the recommendation! I’ve heard a LOT about Deborah Harkness and ugh yes, detailed history and science is ALWAYS a yes.

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      • It’s interesting, and valuable, to hear that you are leery of blurbs that mention love interests, even though you do enjoy some romance. Since I write urban fantasy with heavy action as well as romance, I’ll keep that in mind. I hope you enjoy Harkness’s book. I too heard a lot about Discovery of Witches for years before I finally picked it up. I think that the kindle version was on sale for $2.99 recently.

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  4. Your post cracked me up! 😛 I’m not a romance reader either. I don’t mind there being some romance in the story, but I don’t typically care for it to be front and center in the overall plot. There’s maybe a couple exceptions to this, but even then the story is just as good as the romance it revolves around.

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  5. yes yes yes yes yes all yes
    I also hate books with instalove because that is not at all realistic. I love my romance with a side of fantasy or, even better, history and I love watching characters work for their relationship. I don’t like romance that comes easy; I want them to fight for each other and come out stronger than before.
    The only straight romance (not hetero, I mean books that only feature romance) books I like are m/m, but the YA books with romance with other genres that I love are: My Lady Jane, ACOTAR series, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Carry On, Illuminae and These Vicious Masks. And it’s not YA, but The Song of Achilles is the most beautiful romance book I have ever read. Makes me cry every time (I don’t know if you like crying with your romance, but I do).

    Great post 😀

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