The TBR Book Tag

We were tagged by Milou from Simplyabookdrunkardblog to do the TBR (To Be Read) Book Tag. Do go and check out her fabulous blog because she is just amazing!

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1. How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

Raven: Most of the time it’s Goodreads but when I go to bookstores and see books that I’m interested in but don’t want to buy without any prior research, will be included in my phone as a ‘Note’. 

Beez: I also use Goodreads and I usually take pictures of the books I want to read when I go to a bookstore. And then those pictures are forgotten…

2. Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?

Raven: It’s mostly eBook since I don’t technically have a shelf and I don’t like spending the little money that I have on books that I’m not sure I’ll like.

Beez: I’m in the same boat as Raven. Hella broke.

3. A book that has been on your TBR pile the longest

Raven: Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz. I added this book on November 12, 2013… and I don’t think I am ever going to read it because it just doesn’t sound like something I’ll be interested in. It just shows how much my likes and dislikes have changed over the years.

Beez: I have wanted to read The Outsiders S. E. Hinton by since forever. We both came across it in Fangirl and since then I’ve wanted to read it. (I read it when I was 13 and I LOVED IT SO MUCH!)

4. A book you recently added to your TBR pile

Raven: I added The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner on March 20, 2016. I decided to add it to my TBR after reading Yourdaughtersbookshelf amazing review on it.

Beez: Just today, I put Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh in my tbr (in my head) because I read an interview with the author and it sounded amazing.

5. A book in your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover

Raven: I don’t ever decide to read a book ONLY because of it’s cover so I’m just going to mention a book on my TBR that has the most beautiful cover (according to me) and that book is ‘A natural history of dragons’ by Marie Brennan. I love it so much! It is one of those very rare books that I saw on a Booktubers (Sanaa from InkBoneBooks) shelf and went “Oh my god! What book is that?” 

Beez: I’m going to pick We have always lived in the castle by Shirley Jackson. On a funny note, I used to want to read The ghost and the goth series by Stacey Kade because the cover looked completely hilarious to me. I never read it and I think it’s because the start wasn’t really that good. Also, This is where it ends by Marieke Nijkamp

6. A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading

Raven: Again, this would be Blue is for nightmare.

Beez: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell because it’s good but I still won’t read it… Also One day by David Nicholls because I just can’t.

7. An unpublished book on your TBR that you are excited for

Raven: That would be THE RAVEN KING by Maggie Stiefvater!! It is the final book to the Raven Cycle series and it is releasing next month and I’m sooooo excited I can’t control myself.


8. A book on your TBR that basically everyone’s read but you

Raven: That’s going to be a LOT of books because I always avoid books that are being hyped about on all kinds of social media. I DON’T KNOW WHY I DO IT! I just do and I hate it! But since I have to mention one I’m going to say Legend by Marie Lu. I own a physical copy of this book but I’ve yet to read it.

Beez:  I hang my head in shame- House of Hades by Rick Riordan.

9. A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you

Raven: A darker shade of magic by V.E.Schwab… AGAIN! I am for some weird reason avoiding it when the hype is on it’s peak. I HATE myself.

Beez: The girl with the dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I own a physical copy of it but I still haven’t read it and I plan to correct that soon.

10. A book on your TBR that you are dying to read

Raven: The Martian by Andy Weir. I’ve heard so many good things about it and I really want to read it but I want to own a physical copy of it so… that’s gonna be some time since I’m so broke.

Beez: I’ve heard terribly nice things about Why we broke up by Daniel Handler and I really really want to read it. And also the book Raven mentioned.


We tag:

Yourdaughtersbookshelf , katiesormaz, mybooksforalltime, rattlethestarssite, bookeater, acciopadfoot and journeyofangie

Some of these are our amazing recent followers and we love the content they post so definitely go check them out. This is just our way of saying that we really appreciate the fact that you guys found us decent enough to follow 😛

This is Raven and Beez,

Signing out~