200 followers and 80 posts later…


Thank you all so much! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your undying support for all the crap we put up on this blog. Even when we disappeared for a month (Well we were in a place away from the internet…) you people still stuck with us. So thank you!

What in the even

This is Beez and I after we got the notification

It’s been a little more than a year and we had never imagined that our blog would grow so much. We’ve changed so much in this time but the best part about this journey was meeting such amazing people here on this site, ones who have the same opinions as us or those who have different opinions but still respect ours, we love you all.

I still can’t believe that we have 80 posts on our blog now (including this it will be 81). We want to take this moment to recollect some of our fondest memories!

Goes through an internal documentary of all the times we procrastinated with writing a review after reading a book,

Forgot to post,

Couldn’t come up with anything to post and so cried to sleep,

Thought about how we’ve abandoned our blog child to adult on its own,

And all the moments we just screamed in frustration because we couldn’t English anymore…


Umm… Maybe let’s just skip to the end of this post.

A HUGE thank you to:

@kirstychronicles for being our 199th follower

@dwtsmith for being our 200th

@mediashadowreads for being our 201st

And also to @thecaptainsquartersblog for spamming us with likes every now and then. We really appreciate it.


We hope to keep posting and meeting more people who are just as amazing as all 201 of you. And yes I wish I could give you all cake but… I ate all of it.

I’m really really sorry.

This is Raven and Beez,

Signing out~

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